Pray About Everything

We have all made mistakes. Have you ever bought something that you later regretted buying? Have you ever said something that you later regretted saying? Did you ever waste your time watching a horrible movie? We make decisions every day. Some seem virtually insignificant. We don't want to bother God with this or that and we think that we got it handled. By nature we are strong willed, self willed, egocentric, and self reliant. We naturally don't want to wait for an answer from God we just go along merrily and make a lot of false assumptions. But God says; Do not worry about anything, but in everything by pray er and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6 I was asked if I could work an extra shift at work but my mom is staying with us and I really didn't want to go but I held off on giving a quick answer of yes or no and prayed about if I should go in or not and then I responded by saying ...