Pray About Everything
We have all made mistakes. Have you ever bought something that you later regretted buying? Have you ever said something that you later regretted saying? Did you ever waste your time watching a horrible movie? We make decisions every day. Some seem virtually insignificant. We don't want to bother God with this or that and we think that we got it handled. By nature we are strong willed, self willed, egocentric, and self reliant. We naturally don't want to wait for an answer from God we just go along merrily and make a lot of false assumptions. But God says;
Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6
I was asked if I could work an extra shift at work but my mom is staying with us and I really didn't want to go but I held off on giving a quick answer of yes or no and prayed about if I should go in or not and then I responded by saying something like, I will work if you don't find other coverage but my mom's in town and would rather not. So they ended up finding other coverage. The very day I would've worked I was really sick. It would've been a disaster! I am so glad that I waited and that God gave me the right words to say and that God worked it out.
I know that I have also been disappointed when things didn't go my way or the way that I thought they should go. Its so easy to assume something then later find out how wrong that was. "A mans heart plans his way, but God directs his steps." Proverbs 16:9 I think that if we stop and acknowledge God first and foremost we would avoid disappointment and confusion.
God says "So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12 I don't want to waste my time because life is short and I want to make the most of my time here. How much time is wasted striving for things that we want? Or trying to escape difficulty? Or pursuing meaningless things? I want to know what God has for me every day, even the seemingly smallest things because he cares about the small things. He has the right answer all the time! How amazing is that- if we just stop, ask, and listen he wants us to know so that we don't spin our wheels trying to figure out things on our own, in our own way and our own time. Charles Stanley said in a newsletter to have a "listening heart" and that God can give us an answer to our prayer in the early hours of the morning, or maybe on the freeway on the way to work. But to have that hopeful expectation.
How many times do we get in the way of God when he wants to do something? Maybe there is something that we are not doing? Or maybe we are headed in the wrong direction? When we refuse to listen, ask, or seek him, God will have to use whatever means he can to get our attention. He might use a person to speak from His word, or maybe he will use circumstances, health problems, unrest with the spirit of God. What are you going through today? God wants to hear from you- He wants to do a work in your life if you let him.
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