
So as I was researching this topic I found these words: Yield, relinquish control, to render or return, acceptance, acknowledgement, compliance, cooperation, and approval. We can consciously do all these things when we understand and know our God. We know the source of where we get our information, the word of God. We can place our trust in his word because we know that we serve a loving, merciful, all knowing God. We are living in a hostile, dangerous world and it tells us we need to do certain things to succeed, or feel better, or make more money, find a mate, or get peace. In addiction counseling the trained professionals say to practice yoga, in Buddhism to practice spiritual disciplines, some people say to get ahead in life to throw religion out the window! In some Christian circles there are conferences that host special speakers, that aren't Christian but in the worlds eyes "successful" and they teach Christians how to succeed!? Why would we look...