
How is everyone doing? I know for me its been a really rough month. Being a graduate student is rough- taking 12 units is even tougher! Then just navigating through life and all the stuff that happens can leave feelings of discouragement. I found myself in that place called the pit. I began to ask myself how I was going to get all the stuff done that I needed to get done and I began to feel overwhelmed and resentful because of the stuff that I had to do when I would rather be doing other things. I was grumbling in my heart, irritable and crabby. Then I read about complaining and how God is not pleased when we complain about anything. God had told the Israelites to enter into the promised land and they heard the report from the scouts that the people of the land were like giants and that they couldn't possibly defeat them. They doubted God and His word. 32 “But even after all he did, you refused to trust the Lord your God, 33 who goes before you looking for the best places to...