Persistence Pays Off!
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Yosemite National Park 2014 |
Two stories of faith
I know most of you have heard the story of the imprisoned pastor Saeed Abedini. He is an American pastor that was arrested for his faith in Christ Jesus. He was in Iran building an orphanage when he was arrested in July of 2012. For these past two years his wife has been vocal in calling for his release. Just this past week his wife Naghmeh met with president Obama and thanked him for his efforts to help release her husband from the cruel hands of the Iranian prison. She was able to tell Obama that she had been praying and fasting for several days so that she could meet with him and that God had answered her prayer. Naghmeh left the meeting with renewed strength, refreshment, and hope. Only God could arrange this meeting!
This morning I was reading the story in Matthew 15: 21-28
To summarize;
A Gentile woman had a daughter that was tormented by a demon. She came to Jesus and begged him for mercy and help for her daughter. Jesus made no reply. The disciples wanted rid of her and told Jesus to send her away and then Jesus explained to her that He was sent to help "God's lost sheep- the people of Israel." Yet she persisted and said "Lord help me!" Then Jesus basically told her his top priority is his covenant people and why should he give bread to her? She responded by saying that even the little dogs eat the crumbs that fall off their masters table. Jesus rewarded her persistence by saying, "your faith is great. Your request is granted."
So what does this show us about Jesus?
Jesus loves to help people of faith.
Jesus invited her into deeper fellowship by challenging her.
Sometimes Jesus is silent.
Jesus rewards persistence.
Jesus heals.
Jesus is merciful.
Jesus can be interrupted.
Jesus is good and loving.
Jesus does the impossible.
Jesus can change circumstances.
Jesus can change hearts.
Jesus always has the answer.
What does this show us about their faith?
They was desperate for help.
They knew who to talk to.
They didn't back down.
When Jesus was silent she still persisted and didn't give up or take that as a sign to leave.
She didn't get discouraged but became emboldened.
She knew who Jesus was by the stories she had heard and she knew that he could help her.
They knew that he is good and merciful.
She knew it wasn't about her sin, desperate condition, and the fact that she was a Gentile but it was all about Jesus and what he could do.
They were both advocates for their families.
When God answers our prayer, our excitement isn't always about what we wanted, what we prayed about but rather its about God hearing us, loving us as children, and being in relationship with us. When he answers the impossible things in our lives we know that he's intimately acquainted with us. So what is God challenging you with today? He wants to hear you. So when we seek him in prayer have an attitude of expectation, thanksgiving, hopefulness, and belief in the fact that God hears and He is good all the time!!
Let"s pray for pastor Saeed and his family and that he will be released soon!
Praise God for his faithfulness!
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