Persistence Pays Off!

Yosemite National Park 2014 Two stories of faith I know most of you have heard the story of the imprisoned pastor Saeed Abedini. He is an American pastor that was arrested for his faith in Christ Jesus. He was in Iran building an orphanage when he was arrested in July of 2012. For these past two years his wife has been vocal in calling for his release. Just this past week his wife Naghmeh met with president Obama and thanked him for his efforts to help release her husband from the cruel hands of the Iranian prison. She was able to tell Obama that she had been praying and fasting for several days so that she could meet with him and that God had answered her prayer. Naghmeh left the meeting with renewed strength, refreshment, and hope. Only God could arrange this meeting! This morning I was reading the story in Matthew 15: 21-28 To summarize; A Gentile woman had a daughter that was tormented by a demon. She came to Jesus and begged him for mercy and help for her daughte...