
Showing posts from March, 2013

Jesus is enough

 I was reflecting on Easter week and I got some postcards from church to hand out for this weekend so I was praying about who I was planning to hand them out to. My neighbor said happy Easter! Perfect opportunity, I asked her if she went to a church and she admitted she didn't so I invited her and gave her a card. I am feeling more of an urgency for the salvation of others, as our world grows dark and corrupted and Easter is the perfect time to invite others to church. The T.V. miniseries, the Bible has millions of viewers tuning in and Hollywood is astounded by the ratings, but the truth is- is that there is a desperate world that is hungry and thirsty for the truth and the hope that is only found in Christ Jesus. Maybe their tuning into the Bible because our lives are not reflecting the bible. It's easy as Christians to get distracted by problems, self, life, sin, that we forget who it is all about- Jesus. We need to have thankful hearts for the blood that was shed by ha...

Godly Relationships

I felt so bad, my daughter recently discovered that she is gluten intolerant after experiencing countless headaches, stomach aches, and other pains. The worse part is that I made meatloaf, spaced out and put breadcrumbs in it. That very night she was suffering the effects of eating gluten (wheat protein). She told me the next day that she knows she ate something with gluten in it but she couldn't figure out what. I wracked my brain and couldn't figure it out either. Then at 3 AM in the early morning my brain started to function and I realized it was the breadcrumbs! I felt so bad I wanted to send her a text message right then and confess to her, but decided I better not wake her up. She laughed when I told her and she said jokingly she didn't think I would ever try to poison her! Even though it was unintentional she was suffering the effects of my negligence. In the same way relationships tend to get messy, we say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing and people get of...


Here are some links to my favorite websites. Not all of them are Christian but they are good sources of information and these links vary in topics from politics to religion, prophsey, and health. Enjoy! WND World NetDaily  Joel C. Rosenberg Blog (prophecy)  Politics   Politics  Health- stuff they will never tell you on T.V.  crazy spiritual warfare stuff  Prophecy stuff on here you probably don't want to know about, but check it out anyway Paul Begley on YouTube ( Christian pastor combining world events with Biblical interpetation)  John MacArthur (Bible)  (Bible)   (Bible)  Christian news http://www.r...

Ears to hear

Jesus went back to his hometown when he was doing ministry and the people there knew who he was, they knew who his parents were, and they knew that he was a carpenter. They were offended by the things that he said and so Jesus left because of their unbelief- he healed a few sick people then left, but he was amazed by their unbelief. They missed out on sharing the blessings of being a Christ follower and receiving the Kingdom of God. Why would he stay? Only to be mocked, rejected, and blasphemed? No, Jesus instructed his disciples that when people refuse to listen or welcome you when you proclaim the Gospel, shake the dust from your feet and leave. In another instance, Jesus is in the boat talking to the disciples about the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod but the disciples related the leaven to bread, they weren't understanding. So they begin to argue over the fact that there was only one loaf of bread, they had nothing else to eat on the boat with them. Then Jesus...