Training in godliness

I recently saw the movie Chasing Maverick's. This movie is about a big wave surfer. My husband and I were going to watch it on the big screen, but the reviews were poor so we figured that we would wait till it came on DVD. I was sorry we didn't see it on the big screen because it was a very inspiring movie, clean, and for the young and old. I think what inspired me was the passion that the character, Jay had. He was determined to ride this big wave, but he knew that he had to be mentally and physically prepared and on the top of his game to succeed in riding this wave without injury or even death! In the same way, in this life we need to be mentally and physically prepared for the battles that we fight, and we need to be in the game, living out our lives in step with the Holy Spirit. When I read through the gospels I am in awe that people were fortunate enough to be with Jesus. They were desperate for him. The crowds always following, or searching for him. He would speak...