Living Water

There was a fascinating movie on about water. Did you know that water has memory, and that it can feel our emotions? Yes, they did this test where this man placed rice and water in three separate containers and to the first container he told the rice water, " thank you" the second container he ignored, and the third container he said something like " your disgusting" what happened was that the first container started to ferment and have a nice color, the second one turned moldy, and the third one turned black. It's pretty amazing that water can respond in these ways. Our bodies are made up of 60% water and when we think bad, negative thoughts and feel negatively we have a negative charge. Under a microscope structured water should look like snowflakes, this is usually spring water, the water from our taps looks a whole lot different, in fact the structures look deformed. It's beat up and dead. Even animals can tell the difference, they will choose the spring water over tap water. Living water is water that comes from a spring and its fresh and alive. The bible compares water to life, Jesus told the woman at the well that she would never be thirsty again if she drank the water that he has, living water. Salvation found in Christ Jesus, this is our source of life. It's alive, clean, pure, and never ceasing. The Word of God is how Jesus purifies, and sanctifies us.
He who believes in me as the scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.
John 7:38
God imparts to us this living water and we are able to bless others with it through our speech, encouragement, love, and joy.
Does a spring send forth freshwater and bitter from the same opening? James 3:11 
The influence of sin

1 Corinthians 5
This passage refers to someone who is in the church and who is having sexual relations with his fathers wife. The Corinthians were proud of themselves for tolerating the sin, Paul on the other hand is saying that they should have been grieving. Paul's wisdom was for the man to be taken out of the church so that the protection of God would be removed and the enemy could mess with him, with the result that his soul would be saved and the contaminating influence of his sin wouldn't spread in the church.

Sounds harsh maybe, but what if this was your loved one? What happens when we tolerate sin? Well first of all we get contaminated. Defined like this: to make unclean or impure by contact or mixture.

A righteous man who falters before the wicked is like a murky spring or a polluted well.
Proverbs 25:26
A polluted well is useless, it's not good for drinking, it no longer has these life giving properties in it.

Our society is politically correct, we cant judge others, right? Paul says that as Christians we have the duty of judging those in the church. Its tough, but if someone is walking toward the edge of the cliff you would warn them, you would let them know that they are going the wrong way and they are headed for disaster and you are not going to help them get there. Is it loving to stand by and say nothing?

My question today is what are you tolerating in your life, in your church that goes against the word of God and you know in your heart is wrong? What is polluting your well? Who is going to put on the brakes?


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