Living Water

There was a fascinating movie on about water. Did you know that water has memory, and that it can feel our emotions? Yes, they did this test where this man placed rice and water in three separate containers and to the first container he told the rice water, " thank you" the second container he ignored, and the third container he said something like " your disgusting" what happened was that the first container started to ferment and have a nice color, the second one turned moldy, and the third one turned black. It's pretty amazing that water can respond in these ways. Our bodies are made up of 60% water and when we think bad, negative thoughts and feel negatively we have a negative charge. Under a microscope structured water should look like snowflakes, this is usually spring water, the water from our taps looks a whole lot different, in fact the structures look deformed. It's beat up and dead. Even animals can tell the difference, they will choose the...