"The Screwtape Letters"

I just saw the play, "The Screwtape Letters" written my C.S. Lewis. This story is about a demon and how he teaches his student demon in tempting a human man who just became a Christian. The part that stood out to me was when Screwtape writes to his student that you don't have to do anything fancy or big to distract him or to entice him but just use slow, subtle techniques. He says that before you know it- the Christian will do a slow gradual decline away from God. As long as the demons can keep him out of a Bible believing church, away from acting on his faith, away from mature Christians, and engaging in an active prayer life they are well on their way to deterring him from his walk from God. They actually jested about the church and said that it could actually work to their advantage. This past weekend my pastor taught on Ephesians 2 and how the Church grows up together in maturity and how as Christians we are to put aside our pride, and selfishness, and to die to self. This really helped me to understand that growing in a church is part of Gods plan. Dying to self means to think of others as better, consider their needs above my own, and when problems occur- it means being humble and forgiving that person or asking for forgiveness. It means admitting my own shortcomings, pushing past my fears, and serving Christ with my whole heart. In fact it usually doesn't feel good or comfortable and it usually costs us. It is selfish when we only do things for our benefit, to make ourselves feel better or look better, Christianity shouldn't focus on the self, but on others. It means losing yourself so that someone else can gain more. We have all been deceived by the enemy, we have all been hurt or betrayed by others that we have loved, but Gods word is truth and he instructs us simply in dealing with these problems. The Word says; "Treat others the same way you want them to treat you" (Luke 6:31)But instead we listen to the voice of the enemy and we hold onto our self righteousness, pride, and pain and we refuse to humble ourselves, accept correction where needed, and forgive one another. This is one of the enemies biggest weapon- to divide Christians. He doesn't want the Church to actually look like the bride of Christ. A bride on her wedding day is beautiful, radiating light, joyful, expectant at the years ahead, in love, not weary, discouraged, disillusioned, unsatisfied, betrayed, prideful, self serving, fearful..(fill in the blank) these things are the exact opposite of love- "Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.8 Love never fails.. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Its through the love of our sisters and brothers that we can grow up into the Bride of Christ.


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