Jesus- my cheese
Just read this great little book about change. This is how the author describes it; "cheese is a metaphor for what you want to have in life whether it is a good job, a loving relationship, money, a possession, health, or spiritual peace of mind. This is a story of four characters who live in a maze and look for the "cheese" to nourish them and make them happy." Spencer Johnson, M.D.
Change is difficult because you never know what to expect and it takes some faith that God is going to provide the "cheese." In this book the characters find the cheese and its this huge stash, they like it so much that they move their homes closer to it. They invest their whole lives in this particular cheese. Then one day it runs out. Two of the characters move on to discover more cheese while the other two are left behind. These two "hem" and "haw" are frustrated and angry that the cheese is gone. Hem stews in self pity and resentment while haw decides anything is better than staying in a cheeseless situation, so he moves on through the maze and makes many discoveries. One; that they should have seen the writing on the wall- the cheese was probably beginning to grow mold on it and the supply was getting smaller. Two; that "movement in a new direction helps you find more cheese." I can relate to haw- haw knew if he didn't get moving he would deteriorate mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. There was a time in my life that I had a job that was challenging to me, but it taught me a lot and I had friends and people that I enjoyed being with and it had its ups and downs but for the most part I saw God at work so that was all that mattered. Then one day God told me to leave this place of employment and so I did. I put my heart and soul into this cheese, my whole life was in that cheese so when it was gone I felt like this worthless reject of a person. Friends? What friends- I felt so isolated and cut off- it was the most painful experience that I ever had. Once you leave no one takes a second glance back. If your not in the system, your out. Then I realized that I tied my self worth to that place. I wasn't looking at who I was in Christ but rather, who I was in the world. It was eye opening and devastating, but Jesus gave me this incredible comfort, peace, and pouring out of love into my heart that I can only describe as divine. He wanted me to stand on my own two feet and he wanted to walk with me. Like the song- "He is jealous for me" He really is. He took it all away but He filled me up and didn't leave me empty. Then I asked Him for direction and He gave me Proverbs 31 this talks about a wife of noble character and then I knew that he wanted me at home with my family. At the time I didn't want to hear this but I wish I would have paid more attention because the next two years were turbulent with my family. Through this change- I found new cheese- I met a teriffic friend, I was able to be with someone who was losing her battle with cancer, and I reached a new level of intimacy with Christ. God knew where I needed to be and he was providing in every sense but it was a difficult season. The amazing thing is that whatever season we are in He is right there with us. His way really is perfect- he knows what we need and will provide it all.
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