Is anything to hard for the Lord?
(Genesis 18:14)
This Christmas season we are reminded of the precious birth of Jesus. It still amazes me that the God of the universe choose to come down to earth in such a humble way to save us. In times past I have doubted his love but he has proved me wrong again and again- Christmas is always a reminder. When he is silent, or I am suffering or waiting for His word- I am reminded that He paid it all- on the cross at Calvary. This is the incredible depth of his love. In that manger was the precious Son of God- he is the most precious gift anyone could ever receive.
For the past several years (always around Christmas)God has told me that He does the impossible. This past Sunday at church we listened to the account of Mary being told that she would conceive; "Then the angel said to her, do not be afraid Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call his name Jesus. He will be great and he will be called Son of the highest and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end." (Luke 1:30-33)My pastor pointed out that the angel called Mary "highly favored one,"but as Saints we too are blessed by God. He gives us everything we need to live godly lives. We are called Children of God, we are redeemed, sanctified, reconcilled, and we have eternal life. I was reading how different people came to Christ and several people said that they were involved in very sinful lives, brought up in atheistic homes and would never dream of following Christ- then Jesus came to them in different ways.. in a dream..they felt the presence of Him.. someone told them about him.. Jesus pursued them. So nothing is impossible for Him, He can do it. I don't think that he wants us Christians to just exist and believe- but that he wants us to believe in great things, that he still does great things and he wants us to expect Him to do great things because we are privileged and he desires more. I recently heard a story about a man who came to Christ and he promised God that he would daily hand out flyer's about Jesus to people walking by (he lived on a busy street in town) and he would ask them, "if you died tonight do you know where you would go..?" So he did this everyday for 40 years and in all this time he didn't know of a single person coming to know Christ from his daily exercise of handing out flyer's. Then one day a man came knocking on his door and told him of account after account of different people that were led to Christ because of him. There must have been hundreds! His single act of service and obedience to God saved many many lives for the Kingdom. The man didn't know this, but he was still faithful. God is amazing and still does amazing things!
Only fear the Lord, and serve Him with truth with all your heart: for consider what great things He has done for you." (1 Samuel 12:24)
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