The Best
I was reading a devotion from Oswald Chambers today and God really spoke to my heart. He was talking about how when we let God choose for us- that its always the best choice. In our own limited thinking skills we tend to make choices that make sense practically, financially, ease of comfort, basically we choose things that we see will work for us. We want our way because we think that we know what we need and what will be best for us. However, God sees the full complete picture and we can be confident that he will always choose the best for us. He is our shepherd that leads us beside still waters, comforts our souls, and gives us rest. He has our best interests at heart. The interesting thing is that when we learn to trust in Him and his direction for our lives we wonder why we were ever holding onto this or that thing and why we are so resistant to his will. Like we know better?! I am learning that I can no longer presume things. I can no longer say ok Lord, I am going to do this or that and please bless it- then end up doing it and wondering why it didn't go my way! King David, after he was attacked and his wives taken from him- strengthened his heart in the Lord and inquired of him. He asked God- ok, if I do this (pursue and attack) are you going to give me victory? God gave him assurance and direction. When we seek, and ask for his will, he will answer, lead us, and give us victory!
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