Just read this great little book about change. This is how the author describes it; "cheese is a metaphor for what you want to have in life whether it is a good job, a loving relationship, money, a possession, health, or spiritual peace of mind. This is a story of four characters who live in a maze and look for the "cheese" to nourish them and make them happy." Spencer Johnson, M.D. Change is difficult because you never know what to expect and it takes some faith that God is going to provide the "cheese." In this book the characters find the cheese and its this huge stash, they like it so much that they move their homes closer to it. They invest their whole lives in this particular cheese. Then one day it runs out. Two of the characters move on to discover more cheese while the other two are left behind. These two "hem" and "haw" are frustrated and angry that the cheese is gone. Hem stews in self pity and resentment while haw decides...
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