
Conspiracy? Wait! Stop, I know the mention of a conspiracy sends our walls up and our eyes rolling. The truth is that conspiracy is mentioned in the Word of God. But our Culture has turned this concept into a dirty little word. Culture doesn't want you to believe the devil is real and he is working now, today, in our lives and the body of Christ. Lets look at a couple of examples; Ester 3:1 -Haman’s Conspiracy Against the Jews Psalm 83:1 -Prayer to Frustrate Conspiracy Against Israel Nehemiah 1 -Conspiracy Against Nehemiah These are just a few examples but lets look at this passage regarding Paul the apostle; Acts 23:12-14 (NKJV) "And when it was day, some of the Jews banded together and bound themselves under an oath, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul. Now there were more than forty who had formed this conspiracy." *By providence a relative overheard the plan and told Paul and so Paul was able to escape the clutches of the ...