
Showing posts from April, 2012

Take It Down

"Idols always break the hearts of their worshippers." C.S Lewis We live in a big world full of temptation, pleasures, power, prestige, and we engage in things that we think will bring satisfaction. It can be difficult being a Christian in this world because of all these things that contaminate and lure us. There is a constant pull for our attention, time, and resources. Before we know it we are living our lives without considering God. We work extra hard because its so competitive and we want to keep our job, we do things to fit in with this worldly system. Its demanding and it never has enough of us. Before we know it were serving something other than God. Then we begin to worry about our health, our job, our relationships, and our finances because we know that deep down we are not honoring God with any of it. In the story in the book of Judges the Israelites were terrified of the Midianites because these people had their own god's, they stole from the Israelites...

The role of the believer

Most of us have a job doing something- it may be staying at home to raise a child, maybe caregiver of aging parents or maybe you have a job outside the home. Whatever the case is- you know what your duties are. Most of the time we know what others expect from us, we know what we have to do to get the job done. So what about our duty or role as Christians? There are many things in the Bible that help to guide us in the way that we are to live but what does this look like everyday? Its a very broad concept that can be difficult to define. So maybe your going down your list and check off prayer, bible study, loving your neighbor, tithing, helping the poor, using your gift, sharing the gospel, etc. these are all good things that we are commanded in scripture to do. The interesting thing is that there was a man who kept all the commandments but he still lacked something. Jesus Counsels the Rich Young Ruler (Matthew 19:16-22) 16 Now behold, one came and said to Him, “Good Teach...