
I just finished a major final in psychopharmacology- it took hours and lots of research. My teacher went over the final after we had all turned it in and I discovered that I answered several of the questions wrong. You see psychopharmacology is all about medications, side effects, the client and the medications impact on the clients age, metabolism, disorder etc.. anyway It is a real learning experience and process. I don't think that I killed my simulated client but I may have suggested a prescription that is not FDA approved for his age! I began to have that feeling of dread and what my grade was going to look like but then I began to think about the character of my teacher and what kind of person he is. He would often tell us stories about his life sometimes to make a point and sometimes just to share. Anyway he had shared that his wife had a really rough childhood that included being molested by her brother. She eventually went to therapy for her past but this brought up lo...