Trusting in God's goodness

Have you ever talked yourself out of a career, a relationship, a job or something else because you thought that you didn't have the ability to make it work or you were too scared to take that chance? Guess what? You don't have the ability to make it work! But with God all things are possible. God wants to work through you, to give you the strength, and everything that you need to serve Him. Doubting God starts out really slow- something happens. For example your driving down a road and you start to hear a noise coming from the engine of your car. Your mind races at the thought that maybe your beat up old car has had it and its going to blow up at any moment. Then you try to figure out how your going to afford another car, the higher insurance, and how your even going to qualify for a loan. Then your mind races to the thought that you can't qualify for a loan because your credit is shot because that foreclosure that went through last year. Then you realize that i...