What are you seeking?

Every year I go through my inbox and clean it out about this time before the next year begins. I look over all the emails that I received over the year and it gave me an opportunity to reflect on the past. This past year was full of some surprising events in my life. The loss of a friend, the marriage of my daughter, the completion of another semester of school, new acquaintances, and seeing God's provision through it all. We never know what to expect do we? We don't know what is around the next corner. It seems that the longer we live more difficult life can become. We suffer and we see family and friends suffer through illness, death, loss of job, or divorce. Everyone is affected. It is usually during these rough times that we look for consolation, escape, hope, and security. Some people find their security in man or a person, some find escape at the bar, some find it in false religions, and yes some think that they find direction in going to a fortune teller! Look around...