
Stigmatized; label as socially undesirable: to label somebody or something as socially unacceptable. brand brand, slur, defame, mark out, pillory, denounce disparagement, vilification, scorn, depreciation, belittling, belittlement antonym: glorification I was just reading an article written by a doctor that discusses the fact that many people in society are stigmatized because society feels that if the person could have prevented misfortune, ensured better health, had financial success or power, then they should be to blame for their problems. If they just did all the right things- their life would be perfect- so somewhere along their path they did something wrong so ultimately they should be to blame. Right? Dr. Schwartz explains; Therefore, it becomes rather easy to move from blaming people for their circumstances to treating them with contempt. Contempt results in social rejection of people viewed as unworthy of being included in society. Among these people are homos...